Adenoid surgery is the removal of adenoid adenoids. Adenoids are tissues and cells located at the top of the nasal cavity. These tissues and cells fulfill the task of cleaning the nasal passage and protecting the airways.

However, in some cases, adenoids grow excessively and cause obstruction of the airways. In this case, adenoid surgery becomes necessary.

Who Can Have Adenoid Surgery?

Adenoid surgery is performed in case of excessive adenoid formation or adenoid problems. This surgery is usually performed on people who have breathing problems or are constantly obstructed.

There is also no age criterion for the procedure. In general, ideal candidates are those who have symptoms such as snoring due to adenoids, breathing with their mouth constantly open and constantly shifting while sleeping.

How is adenoid surgery performed?

The procedure is extremely simple and fast. The surgery takes 20 to 30 minutes. However, the steps to be applied and the duration of surgery can vary completely from person to person. The doctor will explain which steps will be applied and the duration of the surgery. In general, adenoid surgery consists of the following steps:


Before the surgery, the doctor determines which anesthesia option is best. The anesthesia option can typically be general anesthesia, local anesthesia or sedation.


First, the specialist cleans the area to be operated on to reduce the risk of infection. Then the doctor reduces or removes the adenoids. This makes it easier to breathe. The surgeon does this using a scalpel or laser. Finally, the specialist finishes the procedure by dressing the surgical area.

What should be considered after adenoid surgery?

It is important to follow the instructions given by the surgeon after the surgery. The things to be considered after adenoid surgery are generally as follows:

The specialist may recommend the use of some medications after surgery. These medications should be taken in the dosage and frequency recommended by the doctor.

It is necessary to clean the surgical site regularly.

Physical activity should be reduced for the first few weeks after the procedure.

A healthy diet and absolutely no smoking should be practiced.